A well known name in ship repair. Since Frans Loenen founded our company in 1983 this understanding many times implemented into a great number of the many ports this world offers us.
With a company of just a few men steadily grew into the present size of the number of twenty dedicated craftsmen. From a very well equipped workshop and our dedicated workforce, trucks, mobile welding generators, auxiliary equipment and a 24/7 availability we can offer you the following services.

Port Repairs
Voyage repairs
Ballast water treatment systems
Industrial maintenance and repairs
Industrial new build projects
Technical assistance
Safety equipment
Our main objective in services is to keep you going at all times with a minimum loss of time in ships operational capabilities. Therefore our motto is:
We take care of your repair
Step 1
24/7 contact via phone, email or live
Step 2
Fast response with solution and offer
Step 3
Work in progress and finish
Step 4
Project report and invoice